I recently picked up a Globe Scout at Butler, got it working somewhat.  I used 
to have one of these long ago, when I was in the USAF years ago, I fired it 
up and got complaints I was coming over the police radio on base.

The one I just got I loaded up into a MFJ Versa-tuner with the dummy load.  I 
set it up to load into the load thru the tuner and noticed that the tank and 
oscillator tuning was very touchy.  if everything isnt set perfectly, I 
notice the SWR increase thru the tuner which tells me that the rig is either 
putting out harmonics or spurs.  Was this a common problem with this rig, and 
is there a fix ?  I see nothing on the websites concerning this.  I was 
tuning up on 160 and 80 meters using a 160M rock.

The rig is making close to 50 watts out on CW when its tuned properly.  It 
appears to be working properly, but I'm worried about the harmonic content.

Mike, kd0ar

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