Greetings All,

I came up two items short here in my 1929 homebrew replica superheterodyne
receiver project, specifically, two ceramic plate caps for my 224 globe

Does anyone have a pair they'd like to part with...? They can be either
National Radio type, or James Millen---as long as they're both white, glazed
ceramic & presentable, I don't care.

I'd be willing to trade TWO of my National 813-sized ceramic plate caps
(i.e. R.F.E.---"Removed From Equipment") for your two 807/224-sized ceramic
plate caps.

Anything out there...?

BTW, the behemoth is done---but NOT working (naturally!). The audio stages
are FB, but little else. NOW comes the learning process...! I'm working
backward from the detector stage on up to see what gives.

It is one HEAVY mutha'! Good lookin', too, in a roaring 20's kind of way.
Sure does look like it's hiding a lot of potential from me...with any luck,
I'll be able to unlock its secrets BEFORE the 1929 QSO Party...!

May have some digital pix taken & available on the weekend, too, in case
anyone is interested---but I HATE taking shots of non-working gear...

Thanks & my very

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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