Jim>We you able to work around the word-wrapped link problem in my original
> > email?

Dave> Jim, not quite sure what you mean?

He's wanting to know if you were ever able to click on the links and make 'em
The original message was:

Hi Guys,

I have been working on two HV regulator circuits in the past year where I
needed +375 volts at up to 100 ma. In the first case I had 600 volts to
start with, so I used a tube circuit. In the second case, all I had was
about +430 which dips to about 390 at maximum output, and reduced AC line
voltage, so I went solid state.

My two circuits are here:

Tube version:

Solid State version:

The first circuit shows my complete power supply in my Central Electronics
20A QRO #2 rig. I used a pair of 7591's in the RF final to make up to 12.5
watts AM output, or about 55 watts PEP SSB output. I ended up with a 6W6 in
the series regulator as it had more emission than a 5V6, even though the 6W6
only had 5 1/2 volts on the filament. This regulator is always at +374, hot,
cold, month after month. The ripple from it is unmeasurable (with my
equipment), and dynamic load response is excellent, although I cannot
remember exactly what the results were, as that was last winter. The rest of
my 20a info on the web is at:


73 = Best Regards,

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