I wish to avail myself of the knowledge here: My Dad, W5JHJ, has a WRL Globe Champion 350 and is the original owner. He's maintained it and it works well, but I wonder if a mod he made years ago was a good one. Like most AM transmitters, it uses a choke-input PS design. I cannot recall the input choke values, but do recall that it incorporates a swinging choke and that the filter capacitor was originally quite small (2 uF, I think). that capacitor failed some time ago, and as I was looking at his documentation saw that he'd replaced it with something like 40 uF.

On the list, I recall scrolling across a few postings (now lost) that said something about how these PS should be designed. There, I thought I saw something along the lines of it being possible to have too much filter capacitance. Did I get that right? If so, what's the symptom of too much filter capacitance in a choke input filter?

Kim Elmore, N5OP
                          Kim Elmore, Ph.D.
                       University of Oklahoma
        Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies
"All of weather is divided into three parts: Yes, No, and Maybe. The
greatest of these is Maybe" The original Latin appears to be garbled.

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