Brett Gazdzinski wrote:

Why would you want to do that?

Well, to answer your question,....because there is not more room on my desk for ANOTHER piece of equipment. I already have a 32S-1, 75S-1, Station Console, and Power supply for the full S-Line, a 4-1000A Linear amp, a computer and now the HW-101, . There is no more room. If I want AM it has to be from the 32S-1 (wonder why the 75S-1 has AM but the TX doesn't??) or from the HW-101. But then I could plate modulate the 4-1000A with a pair of 833As in push pull...but I think that would really take up some room, and the winters are not cold enough for that down here on the Third Coast.

I have a Viking Ranger, but no room on the desk for it.

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