The resale value aside, I think the 32s-1 would do better,
I think it actually uses a 455khz IF, you might be able to do something
with that.
The 75s-1 type receiver could likely make a real nice AM receiver, top
with the addition of a good kiwa filter in line with the back to back
IF transformers used on AM.
Standard setup is way to wide, but a 5.5khz filter between the transformers
(tacked on) would do wonders.
it would only be in circuit when the AM mode is selected.
It could be tacked on without any modifications, and you
could power it from rectified filament voltage, or even batteries.

Some slight circuit changes and an external audio amp, and you have a great
overall receiver for cw, ssb and AM.

Any rig that runs 100 watts pep output on ssb is only going to be good for
10 to 20 watts of AM, but driving an amp would be useful indeed.

Its easy to unbalance the modulator using a small pot
(for carrier level control), getting both sidebands I would have to
look at the design....

It would be quite neat to have a nice sounding well working
Collins S line on AM and ssb.

Perhaps trade the hw101 for a less nice 32s-1 and try experimenting on that.

What about screen modulation of the amp?
That would likely get you a few hundred watts of AM out, with very little
audio power.
Modulation can be very nice if kept on the low side, don't expect 150%
positive, but I have heard some really nice DX60b transmitters
running screen modulation...very good fidelity overall.

If space is at a premium, take over the basement, put a couple of small
rack cabinets on the desk, one big 6 foot rack in the shack, a
shelf above the S line, or get something like a Gonset G76.
The G76 runs about 70 watts of plate modulated AM output in a unit
smaller than a 75s-1, and its a trans-receiver.
The receiver uses a 262Khz IF, which works well, its quite attractive,
stable, accurate, and fun to operate.
It does 80 through 6 meters, AM and cw, and can copy ssb.

Its got problems, audio quality is not top notch, but they are
extremely robust radios.
I operate mine at higher voltages then you are supposed to, its been
abused at pre hamfest drunken campouts, complete with rain, excessive
beer, wires thrown up in trees, and it just always works.

I used to have two of them, but sold one for some reason.

They seem quite rare these days, I don't know why.
Its smaller than a ranger, puts out more power, and has a good receiver
built in.

I made some changes to mine, removing the receiver audio output section
that used the transmitter audio driver tube and transformer, and installed
a small IC chip that does 6 watts of hi fi audio.
Lots of feedback around the modulator cleaned things up nicely,
low frequencies do not pass the driver and mod transformer well,
the driver transformer could likely be improved, but there is no room
for a bigger mod transformer if you want it inside the nice slide
off case.
I might look into something like a pair of AB1 tubes as modulators
instead of the triode connected 6DQ6 tubes.
Crazy setup, triode connected, the suppressor grid gets the audio
signal input I think!

They are easy and fun to work on, two screws and the case slides off.
It weighs about 10 pounds, easy to toss about.

Did I mention its FUN to operate, and quite attractive with its backlit
tuning dial and meter?

Takes a D104, an antenna, and away you go.
Anything will work as an antenna, even a wet noodle, nothing
seems to bother the rig.
Its got a low power mode (10 watts) and a high power mode,
depending on how much you load it, 70 to 90 watts out.

If I could only have one very small radio, the G76 would be it.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jim Isbell
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] AM from a HW-101
> Brett Gazdzinski wrote:
> >Why would you want to do that?
> >
> >
> Well, to answer your question,....because there is not more
> room on my
> desk for ANOTHER piece of equipment.  I already have a 32S-1, 75S-1,
> Station Console, and Power supply for the full S-Line, a
> 4-1000A Linear
> amp, a computer and now the HW-101, .  There is no more room.
>  If I want
> AM it has to be from the 32S-1 (wonder why the 75S-1 has AM
> but the TX
> doesn't??) or from the HW-101.  But then I could plate modulate the
> 4-1000A with a pair of 833As in push pull...but I think that would
> really take up some room, and the winters are not cold enough
> for that
> down here on the Third Coast.
> I have a Viking Ranger, but no room on the desk for it.
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