What's the OD and length of the pins you need? There's probably something
around that someone will know of that's very close if you can measure the ones you've got - when I couldn't find pins for my Johnson swr bridge, it turned out that normal bananas with the flat blades removed yielded pins of the correct
OD (better lucky than smart, probably better both).

Alternatively, round brass stock from the hobby/hardware shop is easy to work
with, and probably comes in a size very close to the right OD as well.

Another thought - something I have done more than once. If stock round brass rods are slightly too large and you don't have a metal lathe, you can jury rig a "lathe" by chucking the rod in a small high-speed electric drill. Hold a fine-tooth flat file against the rod and switch on the drill. You can easily dress the rod, taking off a mill or two of diameter in a very short time. With a little care and patience you can end up with a uniform diameter exactly the size you need. Just keep testing by seeing how easily it inserts into the receptacles until you can get a snug fit that doesn't require forcefully jamming it into place. I once made a slightly oversize nominal size shaft precisely fit a dial bushing that way. You can fine tune, using emory cloth or sandpaper once you get close using the file. Of course a real lathe and knowledge of how to use it would be much better.

Don k4kyv

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