The TCS and BC342 / BC-348 type sets come to mind.

You can find a LOT of links to information and pictures about the various field 
that were in use at:

On 9 Jul 2004 at 14:25, Kim Elmore wrote:

> I'm hoping some of the old timers among you can help me with some
> information.  I'm curious about what sorts of "portable" HF field sets
> were available in the Army infantry during WW II.  I know of some AAF
> sets, and some sets used in tanks, but there seems to be little
> information on sets much smaller than the SCR-299 variety, which used
> a BC-610/Hallicrafters HT-4 as the transmitter.  The SCR-299 was an
> entire system carried in a special communications truck.
> I'm looking for info about something smaller that might be carried as
> something to be set up within a command post.  Perhaps along the lines
> of a Johnson Viking or Globe Champion as a transmitter and a S-40 or
> HQ-110 or HQ-170 as a receiver. Do any of you have info on such a
> beast, or know of someplace I can go to get it? I've looked quite a
> bit on the web and haven't yet found what I'm after.
> Thanks,
> Kim Elmore, N5OP
>                            Kim Elmore, Ph.D.
>                         University of Oklahoma
>          Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies
> "All of weather is divided into three parts: Yes, No, and Maybe. The
> greatest of these is Maybe" The original Latin appears to be garbled.
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