How long will it be before the govt' adds "interface devices" to the "BPL
home internet connection" to further invade in on our privacy. I feel very
uncomfortable with potential broadband "utility monitoring" of my electric
meter! It opens the door to much invasion.
Live Free or die. The 20 gauge and bird shot is interesting.
George AB2KC 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Donald Chester
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Pix of BPL hardware on utility poles in Cincinnati

>Actually this provides additional advantages to the Utility Companies 
>even if you don't subscribe to the internet service. A modem could be 
>hung on your electric, gas, or water meters, plugged into an AC outlet, 
>and now all meter readings could be done back at their facilities via 
>the BPL internet connection, eliminating the services of electric, gas, 
>or water meter readers.

Wonder how long before some would develop and put on the market bootleg 
"brown boxes" -remember the "blue boxes" in the 80's that allowed one to 
illegally bypass the phone co.'s billing and make free phone calls? These 
things would take over and alter the data stream to the utility company and 
illegally reduce your bill.  Or if you happened to transmit over the air at 
the critical moment and your signal caused data loss and scrambled the data 
so that you or a near by resident erroneously got a ridiculously high 
utility bill for services you did not use.

Incidentally, Apple Computers got its start as a garage enterprise that 
produced blue boxes, and once they gained some capital, decided to go legit 
and put together the first personal computer, that started a technological 
revolution, even though the machine was extremely crude by today's 

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