Ok, I'll ramble on about it. I have a few vague points.

The cited article seems to be mostly about digital bandwidths and segregating the subbands by bandwidth rather than emission type. It does mention an AM bandwidth limitation of -26dB@ 9 KHz. (I wonder how many 6SN7's it would take to build a sharp low pass audio filter with +/-1dB from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] and also have minimal phase shift? heh.)

It does not appear however as though they really want to take away anything from the AM group.

As for AM bandwidth, there was, what I believe was a petition for rulemaking some time ago, brought about by some fellows who were apparently repeatedly interfered with by a few SSB operators experimenting with bandwidth which was as wide as the usual boatanchor/converted-broadcast AM phone bandwidth.

9 KHZ seems like more than enough for AM, after all, broadcasters are spaced 10KHz apart, and have very good quality signals. The real issue is freedom from all forms of distortion in the modulation system. I cited some texts by Terman on the audio bandwidth issue here, and the most generous of them said that audio of 3500Hz was sufficient as a minimum for long distance telephone quality of the day (1947):

So, a 9 KHz limit would make some sense, and should be plenty. This is not about broadcasting or demanding telephone-quality, and what I am saying that I would not object to a 9KHz -26dB bandtwidth limit as matter of a station's good practice, but I hate to see more and more rules, which can do more harm than good. The homebrew KW AM rig I am restoring is capable of 30Hz to 11KHz +/-2dB at 100% modulation. All this means is that the audio quality will be excellent when limited, by good operating practice, to a reasonable 3000-3500 Hz audio bandwidth. So, there should be no 'static' from the AM enthusiasts..

Since I do not have a General license, I fiddle with the AM iron using dummy loads, and sample the RF. For voice, even higher pitched voices, I think the 9KHz -26dB (4.5KHz -26dB audio) bandwidth proposed is fine. It's not quite good for cymbal crashes, bagpipes, and banjo music, but then those don't get transmitted over the air on the ham bands ;-^

And what do they mean by "multimedia"?

I do object to a 200Hz limit on digital bandwidth on some bands, as the excellent MT-63 mode uses 1KHz bandwidth. Maybe MT-63 could be authorized outside of the digital sub-bands. I don't think it's authorized for ham use at this time, (anybody know?) but I have experienced it on a military net and would like to see it available for robustness and data rate. I understand that 1KHz is alot of space, so..

I do object to a 'strict' 3KHz limit on SSB bandwidth, as some older rigs are a bit wider, such as the GRC-106 military HF radio, which is about 3300Hz wide at -3dB and 4KHz wide at -40dB. Maybe it won't cause a problem.. ?? (by the way, AM mode on that rig uses a carrier and one sideband, so it's quite narrow for an AM compatible rig) After all, the audio frequency response references above certainly apply to SSB audio bandwidth as well. Wide SSB rigs -- (as supplied by the manufacturer, not modded by 'hi-fi' users) -- are few and far between, and they should grandfather those few transmitters as they (apparently) want to do with the AM stuff. I have never seen an SSB rig wider than 4KHz, but I could well be ignorant of them, as I prefer old tube type AM stuff.

I do appreciate that "Amateurs would not be required to be able to measure the bandwidth of their signals", as this relieves the requirement for costly equipment. I understand that it does not relieve the responsibility for compliance. I'm sure it will be easy to comply using simple instruments.

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