Have you actually read the entire proposal, especially the sections that
mention AM? Is 9 KHz AM bandwidth not enough for you?
Go here to read the entire proposal:

Pete, wa2cwa

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 06:11:44 -0400 "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> SO does this ARRL ACtion mean they are going to
> further infringe on AM by limiting bandwidth and dividing upi the 
> bands on that basis rather than the present rules?
> It is SICKENING to think that they might further restrict 
> AM operation!
> ARLB031 Draft Bandwidth Petition, BPL Focus of ARRL Executive 
> Committee Meeting
> Meeting October 16 in Dallas, Texas, the ARRL Executive Committee
> (EC) devoted much of its fall session to a discussion of comments
> received on ARRL's draft FCC petition seeking regulation of 
> subbands
> by bandwidth rather than by emission mode. The EC also authorized
> the filing of a Petition for Reconsideration in response to the BPL
> Report and Order (R&O) in ET Docket 04-37, which the FCC adopted
> October 14. Drafting and filing the petition must await release of
> the actual R&O, which should happen in a few weeks. Responding to a
> synopsis of the bandwidth petition and proposed rule changes posted
> on the ARRL Web site, several hundred League members and others in
> the ham radio community offered comments and suggestions.
> ''The Executive Committee found considerable support for the 
> concept
> of the petition,'' said ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, ''along with
> constructive suggestions to reduce both the impact of the changes 
> on
> current amateur operations, as well as possible unintended
> consequences.
> Earlier this year, the EC decided to make a synopsis and 
> explanation
> of the petition available to ARRL members before filing it with the
> FCC. At this month's meeting, the EC agreed to submit several
> recommended amendments to the proposed rules changes to the ARRL
> Board of Directors for its consideration in January. These include:
> * Retention of rules permitting automatically controlled digital
> stations (packet and other digital modes) in narrow HF subbands. The
> draft petition had proposed dropping these provisions.
> * A rule prohibiting so-called semi-automatic digital operation
> (automatic control in response to a communication initiated by a
> live operator) on frequencies below 28 MHz where phone is 
> permitted.
> This addressed a concern that ''robot'' digital stations might take
> over the phone bands.
> In other words, these bastards can continue to JAM CW and 
> digital QSOs below the phone bands like they are now on 
> 40m and 20m all day, every day!
> BUT we will make it so the phone boys don't rush to the aid of the 
> CW and digital OPS who are screaming about he QRM from
> * A segment for 3 kHz bandwidth (no phone) emissions at
> 10.135-10.150 MHz to accommodate existing and planned digital
> operations.
> SO! We are going to NOW allow PACTOR-WINLINK's
> UNATTENDED ROBOTS to aslo come and jam the
> digital ops on 30m too.
> GREAT ARRL! You take the cake!
> * Deletion of the word ''continuous'' from the description of test
> transmissions authorized on most frequencies above 51 MHz.
> * Simplification of proposed changes to 97.309 to clarify that
> FCC-licensed amateur stations may use any published digital code as
> long as other rules are observed.
> Sumner emphasized that the recommendations address major issues
> raised to date but were not necessarily the last word on the draft
> petition. The ARRL's bandwidth proposals take into account the
> League's prior ''Novice refarming'' petition to expand some HF 
> phone
> bands--included in the ''omnibus'' FCC Notice of Proposed Rule 
> Making
> in WT Docket 04-140.
> The EC also authorized ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, to
> ''prepare to pursue other available remedies as to procedural and
> substantive defects'' in the BPL proceeding.

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