> Has anyone tried the Ramsey kit, or know of any other fairly inexpensive
> unit (< $100)?
> It's getting so there is more stuff available over the computer than on the
> shortwave bands, but right now I have to be in the room with the computer to
> listen.  I'd like to be able to enjoy these stations the same as over the
> air stations.
> I'm surprised the computer manufacturers aren't making something for this
> specific purpose, under Part 15 regs.  I have seen tiny transmitters
> designed to replay handheld units through a big stereo, but according to the
> ads, their range is limited to about 10 feet.  I need something that covers
> a radius of  a couple hundred feet.

A number of years ago, Don, my dad bought a small phono-oscillator type
thing, where you could specify the frequency of the crystal controlled
oscillator.  He chose 145.00Mc, because back -then-, that was considered
a simplex frequency (sometime in the early 80's).

It was built in the covered part of a standard PL-55 jack, with a
covering where the terminals normally connected.  The PL-55 was plugged into a
headphone jack, and the audio was re-transmitted on the specified frequency.
used it to monitor his 40m frequency via his Heahtkit 2m HT.

A crystal controlled phono oscillator shouldn't be all that hard to construct.

73 = Best Regards,

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