I'm confused on your commentary (The imaginary "AM Window" is another thing that needs to go.).

Are you saying the AM window should be done away with?

Bob - N0DGN

peter A Markavage wrote:

Personally, I think that's good that he is on the "run". If we all keep
the pressure on, reports to the FCC etc., eventually he'll have no place
to go. The imaginary "AM Window" is another thing that needs to go.

Pete, wa2cwa

                      Bob Bethman - N0DGN
| N0DGN AMRadio Manassas, VA    |    REAL Tube Radio and AM        |
|       Manassas Radio - Home of Homemade Kielbasa & Pirogi        |
| Bob Bethman                \\\|///     " The absence of a danger |
| rbethman(at)comcast.net   \\ ~ ~ //      signal does *NOT* mean  |
|                           (/ @ @ /)      that everything is OK " |
|               <http://home.comcast.net/~rbethman>                |
| 1 BC-610I w/BC-614I,1 T-213/GRC-26 w/BC614I 1 '51 Collins R-390A |
|  SP-600/NR Type 159, Heath DX-60, Apache, Mohawk, SX-101, HT-32A |
|           Amateur Astronomer - Celestron Nexstar 8               |
|             12" f5 Dob coming soon!  Being built                 |
|                          Meade ETX-60                            |
|           38 Deg 46'48.62"' N - 77 Deg 28'26.89" W               |
|   Opinions expressed are that of my own and do not necessarily   |
|         coincide with or represent those of ANYONE else          |
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