> I'm confused on your commentary (The imaginary "AM Window" is another
> thing that needs to go.).

I've heard many AM'ers say that many, many times, and I agree. The vicinity of 3830 is often unoccupied after primetime hours in the early evening and the SSB'ers go to bed. Sometimes a few AM'ers will suggest operating down there. For 2 or 3 evenings, an AM group develops, and the QSO goes smoothly and usually QRM-free, much nicer than the usual AM frequencies. After a few days, activity dwindles, and finally no more AM activity is heard. I tune back up to the vicinity of 3885 and there everyone is doing their usual thing..

I sometimes calll CQ on 3830 when it is not busy, and most of the time I get no AM response.

Down here, when K1MAN QSY's to 3885, it pretty well wipes out any 75m AM activity from the Northeast.

Lately, I have been operating mostly on 160m.

I've got Crystals for 3.970/3.980 & 3.990. Isn't there some broadcast station
up in that part of the band, as well?

It looks like we have lost 3990-4000. For many years 3995 has been occupied with Radio Deutche Welle. They would broadcast on AM, so you could work to either side of their carrier unless they were exceptionally strong. But they recently converted to a new digital mode being tested for shortwave broadcast use. It is called Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). The signal appears as a S0+20dB swath of white noise, with very steep skirts. It is uniformly noisy throughout the entire 10 kc/s. Worse than the old Soviet jammers for taking out a wide hunk of the band.

There is also sometimes one on 40m, in the vicinicy of 7260.

Wait tilll all the major SW broadcasters convert to this mode.

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