George: You might search around for some old "Globar" resistors. Install on the input line and they will absorb some of that inrush resulting in longer life for the tubes.

I found a card of them (they were in little packets that one pulled off like the pull tabs you bought at the beer joint) in little bags. They were used in TV sets and AC/DC radios. Check for a parts store that has been in business for a long time and find the guy with gray hair and an unsteady walk. He will know what you are talking about.

73  Jim

I'm repairing an old am radio that uses at 117Z6GT as a rectifier. I
have the radio working again, but I notice when I turn it 117Z6 filaments glow really bright for a couple of seconds. Then settle
down to what you would expect to see, a red glow.
I don't have any experience with this tube, or how it should act at turn

It what I'm seeing a normal condition?
George KE4HJ

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