You will get lots of answers. the short and correct answer is 100 watts
carrier with peaks to 400 watts. I run a similar one at 150 watts carrier
for short periods. The reason the ricebox drops to 25 watts is because it is
100 pep am under those conditions about 17 watts is what I use to drive my 3
x 811a amp here. There was a great article in QST explaining this and I have
popsted ref in the past. The amp will easily do 600 pep but YOUR supply will
not, Mine will. That is why they say 400 watts PEP.. Hope this helps.. mike
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:54 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] power ratings

> I thought I understood these things, But I have confused me little self.
> I need some clear thinking here. I have a rice box rated for 100 watts
> SSB or 25 Watts AM. I believe the 100 watts is PEP while the 25 watts is
> RMS (continuous carrier). I want to add a linear amplifier to bring the
> 25 watts AM up considerably. I see the Ameritron AL-811 is rated for 600
> watts SSB and 400 watts AM. Is this 400 watts PEP or RMS. If PEP that
> means the RMS rating is 100 watts, the same as my DX-100. Also it
> requires 75 watts of drive. Is this PEP or RMS. If RMS my rice box at 25
> watts won't drive it. I am thinking the 75 watts of drive is PEP and my
> rice box with 100 watts PEP in AM will drive it. Can someone clarify this
> for me? Thanks.
> Ed K6UUZ
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