Depends on who's making the statement. If you read this on the QRZ or
similar type forum, I would ignore it. And, if I remember correctly, the
person you quoted is generally clueless and normally an antagonist. All
the major manufacturers now include the AM mode in their rigs. Even the
ARRL WAS award, now has provision in the phone award for AM. The mode is
not "current state of the art" but neither is SSB. As Glen would say
something like, "AM is double sideband with carrier". Like SSB, AM is a
mode that will be with us for as long as hams want to use it. Programming
AM and SSB in today's rigs is not a difficult task.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 10:10:02 -0700 (PDT) "Mark Cobbeldick [KB4CVN]"
> Having only been active on AM mode for just two short years, I 
> consider
> myself to still be a newbie, still not understanding the zeal and
> fervor by some in the amateur community to eliminate or totally 
> outlaw
> the use of AM mode transmissions in the MF/HF amateur bands in the 
> USA.
> ...As quoted by one person "like using spark-gap".
> I look at AM communications as just one of the earlier modes, 
> something
> to be preserved, not cast aside.
> Could someone more familiar with the issue please give me a better
> understanding of why these people are so intent to get rid of this
> mode?
> 73,
> Mark Cobbeldick, KB4CVN
> Monroe, VA

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