VJB wrote:


The T368 exciter deck that I'm using retains the 10
watt Type 6000 tube in there, and drives the 807s
instead of the 6L6 buffer that was in there.

It would be too hot to drive the oscillator module,
plus, I needed the space to park the exciter deck. The
feedline needs to be kept short, I presume you know,
or the coax capacitance gets out of hand.

OK on your timetable, here's hoping you'll be up in
time for one of the big AM events. Maybe you'll even
become a cover boy -- as seen here with No. 147 :


Ain't that 3HUZ/Butch on the cover?

Dave/QCU was wondering why you weren't on 75m this morning. Had a nice short chat with Dave. Since they've now gone to 4 10hr days at work, he doesn't have as much time in the mornings.

Maybe catch ya in the morning?

73 = Best Regards,

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