Please pardon the time warp - I guess that last one has been sitting in my "Unsent Messages" folder for a while.


Larry Szendrei wrote:


I've run the Ranger PA of the LV B+, as indicated in a previous post, with no overstressing of the supply. Then again, the power supply in my Ranger is non-original - different XFMR, and solid-state rectifiers in the "economy" hookup for low and high B+. The rig was a bsket case when I got it, and I've never laid eyes on the original power xfmr. That said, the xfmr in there appears no beefier than the original, perhaps less so.

I know for a fact Timtron (WA1HLR) also has had experience running the Ranger PA off the LV B+, and he advocates this method to anyone wishing to drive an amplifier with the Ranger.

One thing - The PA plate current meter won't read when doing this - unless you change the wiring in the radio, as I did, so that it reads when either the HV B+ and LV B+ supplies are employed. Alternatively, you can add an external meter without taking the Ranger out of the cabinet (in series with the appropriate pins on the accessory plug).


John Lawson wrote:

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005, John Coleman ARS WA5BXO wrote:

I don't know if the power supply come from the same XFMR or not but what
does "10 on the knob" mean?

In the Ranger, the LV feed to it's rectifier is from two equidistant taps between CT and the 'ends' of the HV secondary, the which ends feed the HV rectifier. I'm a bit worried that if I run the whole radio on the LV winding, it will stress it. If anyone has any concrete "real-world" actual experience with doing this, I'd love to hear how it worked out.

  Guitar (and other musical) amplifiers traditionally have their volume
knobs marked 0 - 10, thus '10' is 'loudest'. From whence derives the joke
in Spinal Tap - "This amp was custom made for me - see? the knobs all go
to *11*!!!"

John  KB6SCO
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