Brian Carling wrote:

It's the 15 minute transmission with lots of silence, sniffing and scratching,( while the other guys in the roundtable are itching to say something interesting) that occasionally bugs me (about ince every two or three years - grin!)

"By the way Geoff, you are 40 over 9. Am I louder than the other signals? Back over to ya!" (grin)

Not everyone on Radio is an accomplished oratator/commontator. We Hams are just regular spuds. <insert canned laughter here>

Seriously, not all of us are born with the 'gift of gab'. Nor have we been to Broadcasters School to learn how to talk without injecting a lot of "uhh..'s", "Well, I...", "and, uhm...'s" or "how about it, there? did you see that, there? look over there, there."

Look, guys.. it says right there on our license.. "AMATUER!" No where does it say "professional radio operator".

Lighten up, have a great time, enjoy the wintertime conditions, quit -looking- for things to bitch about, and put a smile on yer face, and be thankful we're all in this GREAT Hobby of Ham Radio together!

73 = Best Regards,

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