John, I'm working on a Vaiant* for a friend, and I ended up using eight 680pf @ 1KV in series-parallel (4 parallel pairs in series). The caps I used were the CDE "snubber" caps, available from Mouser. Between these and the analogous 40 meter fixed caps, it the total was around $60. But, they are working well - no flames, smoke, or bad odors :>)
-Larry/NE1S *FrankenValient John Lawson writes:
So the Valiant is putting out 100 - 130 watts into my load or antenna on all bands - I put it back in it's cabinet (mistake..) and cabled it up. Having previously set the mod bias, I tuned 'er up, opened the Audio pot, gave a couple of whistles and the 160/80 M capacitor stack "deviated from spec" in a rather spectacular and stinky fashion. O well - at least I understand completely what needs to be done - and about $60 worth of the correct RF units will be delivered to me on Tuesday. Wouldn't have been so much, but I bought heavier than required and also spares, just in case....

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