W5OMR/Geoff wrote:

Barry Sherwood wrote:

Well since your gonna need 100 ft towers for supports
why not configure it in a delta loop and use the tower
for one side of the loop, since your wishing and it is
Christmas time!

Barry, KF5GC

because I personally think that Square loops work better than delta loops... it's just a matter of preference.

I'm currently running a delta loop, but only because I don't have anything 100' tall for support for a full sized, vertical planed, square loop. :-)

Add to the fact that I think that with a square looop, and less than 1/4 wavelength off of the ground, I'm asking for trouble with neighbors and RFI...

At least with the vertically planed square loop at ~100 at the top, half of the antenna would be well above the structures of neighborhood dwellings, garages and trees and other obsticals that would capture a signal, and force it to radiate into a poorly designed peice of electronic equipment, acting improperly as a radio reciever...

73 = Best Regards,

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