Hey Bob, hope to hear you soon from Mountainair. Don't know your schedule, but 75 will be good for the shorted distances in the early afternoon around 3:30 or so and up to mid mornings as well.

There is a pretty large group of Colorado, NM, Wyoming, and Nebraska hams on 3.875 in the mornings. They get started about 7:30 MST I think. Watch for them as well as getting into Texas and Oklahoma groups.

Congrats on the acquisition and hope it last as long as you.

73  Jim

To All-

Hi! I just thought I would let everyone know that this
past week, I purchased a complete AM
transmitter/receiver station w/accessories! It is very
similar to the one I had in New Jersey as WA2CXS in my
senior year of high school 1968. I purchased a
partially restored (LV-HV filters, screen bias
resistor) Johnson Viking II with matching external VFO
just off the air and working. Also the receiver is a
National NC-109 (I had a NC-300 in 1968 strictly ham
bands). The accessories include a Hallicrafters HA-1
keyer, D-104 Astatic unamplified mike, and a TR
homebrew switch. All for $200.00 cash!!! Needless to
say I am ecstatic on getting back on HF AM after all
these years with my near exact second ham radio
station. My first one as a Novice WN2CXS was a
Heathkit DX-60B transmitter and Lafayette HA-63
general coverage receiver September, 1967.

I am picking up these electronic treasures Friday and
brining them home. I next need to string up my G5RV
antenna and setup my operating table.

See you on the HF AM frequencies, especially 75 and 40
meters, soon.

Best 73's,

Kilowatt Five Sporadic E Propagation

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