> >  
> >
> What privledges do entry level hams have in Canada,
> Dave?  Is there any 
> HF activitly allowed, at all?
> -Geoff/W5OMR
The Basic license, up until recently, allowed VHF
operation only.
By taking a 5 wpm code test they could then operate on
HF limited to 250 watts and commercially built
transmission equipment. Under the new rules anyone who
makes mark of 85 or greater on the Basic test OR
passes the code test can get on HF. A Basic who made
below 85 is still resticted to VHF. To upgrade they
can either retake the test and make 85 or take the
code test.
This change is recent and that is my understanding but
I didn't read the new rules all the closely as it
doesn't apply to me. I got my ticket in 1967. The
entry level then was just called "Amateur" and
required passing a written test on theory and
regulations plus 10 wpm code. This gave you all
priviledges except HF phone. After operating for one
year you could take a more advanced theory test plus
15 wpm to get on HF phone. I didn't bother at that
time because I only was interested in CW. I passed my
advanced in 1988 because I figured I better do before
I was to old to get my code speed up hi. 

73, Dave VE1ADH


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