Bob Peters wrote:

<>Geoff I agree...This discussion is going no were...All of us are still
going to be on am anyway...

My comments on the subject, went direct to Mike(y) and not the list, although the list was my intended recpient when I wrote the reply.

It properly identifies my stance on the 'discussion' of the subject.

Mike Sawyer wrote:

My apologies Geoff. I sometimes lose sight of the fact that not everyone is as passionate about my point views as I would like to think. Anytime somebody pumps sunshine up my skirt about how great the ARRgghhL is just curdles my milk;>) We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming8>)

I don't disagree that this -should- be discussed 'somewhere'... but why not discuss digital modes in a digital forum, and let's keep AM and Homebrewing in the AM forums?

I, like I'm sure everyone else, have my own opinions about ARRL. However, I fail to see where a pissing match over the rules and regulations and how poor the ARRL represents Ham Radio in general has a place in a forum dedicated to the discussion of AM-specific operation. There are better venues for that.

73 = Best Regards,

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