Mike Duke, K5XU wrote:

It's just after 10 PM central time, and 3880 is full of 80 meter heavy-weights.

From Mississippi, I am hearing Ko6NM, Wa3VJB, W5OD, W7ID, and several
others, all with reasonable signals, some with amazing signals for my 80 meter qth.

There's also some activity on 3885, but it's not nearly as strong here as the guys on 3880.

I wanted to do a lot more operating than what my body and neighbors would allow me to do, last night.

Having been up since 4am that morning, I did get to work 2 stations, but both were great contacts; WA3VJB/Paul in Annapolis, MD and KO6NM/Mike. I have to say at this time that Paul had the typical 'copyable but suffers from QSB, QRM, QRN problems that seem to plauge signals from the NorthEast, but when Mike/KO6NM broke, (to coin a phrase from K5SWK) "Great Gallopin' Gobs of Goose Liver!" coupled with "Holy Mackeral there, Andy!" 40DB/S-9! What a signal.

73 - W5OMR

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