Proceeding: RM-11306     Type Code: CO
Date Received/Adopted: 01/10/06    Date Released/Denied:
Document Type: COMMENT    Total Pages: 1
File Number/Community:    DA/FCC Number:
Filed on Behalf of: Richard L. Tannehill
Filed By:
Attorney/Author Name:    Document Date:
Complete Mailing Address:
5410 W. diana Ave.
Glendale, AZ 85302 -4870
Brief Comment

I agree with the ARRL petition for regulation by bandwidth, and support it, with one major exception. The League claims that their plan does not favor one mode over another. Not true. It favors AM-DSB operators. It would allow for 9 KHz AM modulation, in bands which otherwise are limited to 3.5 KHz. These include the lower HF bands, which are quite crowded at times. The solution is simply to restrict AM-DSB to above 28.5 MHz. (10 meters & above) Amateurs and the league have been upset in the past over wide-SSB modulation, meant to improve audio quality. AM is no different from this. It is an old modulation that adds nothing to advancing the technological art, and should be
confined to bands where there is ample spectrum available.

Richard L. Tannehill P.E. - W7RT

ARRL Life Member
(45-years amateur licensed)


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