Hi Chuck & list, I think the show is from 7-10PM, or maybe 8-10PM, EST, Saturday nite. And yes, they play the old jingles too. (I think you can download .wav files of many of the jingles from http://www.musicradio77.com/) You should have no problem hearing them. People were calling in from as far away as Georgia and Chicago (under the shadow of WBBM at 780, even). -Larry/NE1S
Chuck Kembring writes:
        Thanks for that post.  When I was a kid in Philadelphia, hanging on the
corner with the crowd, I would often listen to "Seventy - Seven, Double U -
A - B - See!" when the conditions were right.  I can still hear that Jingle
in my head!  (Almost 60 years old - Next April)
        I will give a listen and see if I can hear it out here in Southern 
County (Pa.)
Ah, - The good old days!!!!
Chuck   WB3LGG
Cochranville, Pa.

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