Brian Carling wrote:
On 23 Feb 2006 at 9:47, UVCM INC wrote:

I have experience in politics and running companies, would like to chat with
you about legal action, sometimes its the only way. or maybe their are other
ways if the ARRL would listen to us and modify there position.

Brad don't hold your breath to see THAT happen...
The ARRL Directors and top brass have demonstrated an incredible level of intransigence, and treachery against the clearly communicated will of the majority of radio amateurs.

They have dug in to this amazingly stupid position for some time now. I don't expect them to change one bit. The fact of the matter is that ARRL is broken! We need something else with some integrity to replace ARRL, or at least to become a viable alternative until such time as we amateurs who still love and value the hobby can see this obsolete, self-perpetuating
old boys' club deposed.

I know many are still holding out hope that the League can be reformed.
All I see is that it gets worse and worse all the time.

Absolutely correct. I strongly object to them dubbing themselves "The National Organization for Amateur Radio." The membership is a small percentage of Amateur Radio, and the3y represent only a small percentage of that.( Mainly Winlink users).

   _     _     _     _     _
  / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke
 ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
  \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

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