They did monitor for the local oscillators. I saw them on more
than one occasion patrolling with their highly directional antenna.
It was a rotatable dipole with lots of loading inductance along the
element. It was conical shaped tapering to a narrow outer end, and
was about 4-6 feet in length. It looked quite impressinve painted
in G.P.O. green livery the same color as the vehicle - a Morris MInor
1000 van! Same kind of vehicle as a VW bug only British - smaller and
lower to the ground.

I suppose a Scott SLRM would be difficult to detect. Not quite a "communications" receiver, it is basically a high quality multiband broadcast radio with special shielding to keep the local oscillators from radiating. They were used on the Liberty Ships in WW2 to provide entertainment for the crew, while protecting the ship from detection by the enemy homing in on the local oscillators. My father-in-law rescued one from going to the dump and lugged it all the way from Arizona and dropped it off here. An interesting piece of gear.

Don k4kyv


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