I've posed a couple of questions on some other lists and received some good advice, but I am still in need of more. My BC-610-E has a bad feedback or "talk back" problem. I've placed a capacitor across the overload relay (RY-5) and that did eliminate a little of the talk back. However, with much audio gain at all, not nearly enough to attain 100% modulation, I get feedback. Not just talk back, but feedback. I have to assume it's coming from the modulation transformer. The modulator bias is set for 40 ma as specifications state. The bolts on the modulation transformer are all tight. What am I over looking here? I'm using a BC-614-E speech amplifier with a D-104 non amplified mic. I did a few modifications to the dynamic input circuitry of the BC-614 to better match the D-104, but that is the only modification in either the speech amp or the BC-610-E.


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