I've been reading this AM linear thread with great interest.

I currently run a TS570 which gives me no more than 25 watts of carrier, 
plus a bit more on modulation peaks. I have an unmodified DX60 that I intend 
to put back in service later this summer after a shack painting project is 
finished. (No need to move it twice!)

Because I enjoy operating, and would like to do so with enough signal to be 
heard reasonably well on 80 and 40 meters, I too have been considering which 
linear to run on AM.

This discussion of linears on AM has caused me to reason that there is no 
exact magic combination of carrier drive level and audio level which is 
guaranteed to produce a cleanly amplified AM signal. For me, at least, this 
apparent fact is most unfortunate indeed. My signature will give you a hint 
of the usefulness of a scope in my shack.

So, do I sit on my hands and wait for better propogation on the higher 
bands, or do I continue serving as the pin-drop test for all those restored 
75A4's, HQ170's etc?

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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