I've been gifted a nice mod transformer so I can build a modulator for my
Johnson 6N2. I don't have a driver transformer so I'm looking for a design
which doesn't need one. I'm sure the schematics are out there, but I keep
finding ones with the driver transformer. Same with all my old radio books
that I've looked at so far. Can someone point me in the direction of a good
design that is online, or one that you can share with me via email? Thanks!

In case anyone is  wondering: I don't want to mod my Johnson Viking to drive
the 6N2 so I'm building a separate power supply and modulator for it. The
power supply will server several radios (I also have a Johnson Viking Mobile
I'd like to fire-up) and I may want to use the modulator on a different rig
sometime. Considering that this is for a 6M/2M AM rig, all the more reason
to go this way. So that's why I'm going this route of "separates."


Mark W1EOF
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