From: "Mike Sanders K0AZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This thread is painful at best.
In the late 50s the then sales manager for Walter Ashe Radio in St. Louis,
MO ran
A2 code practice on 10 meters. From letter recognition to maybe 10 WPM. This
done on a regular schedule and was one way broadcasting. It helped a lot of
hams including me get their first ticket.
The ARRL information broadcasts including CW code practice have always been
the benefit of hams. There has never been a commercial or political
component involved
in any of their broadcasts that I know of.
It is possible with the changing times these broadcasts are not as important
as they once
were with email bulletins and such. However still to this day not everyone
has a computer
and some still get information from these broadcasts.

Another active broadcaster is WA0RCR near St. Louis. He transmits weekly bulletins on 1860 kHz, calling it the "Gateway 160 m. Newsletter." He transmits for hours, beginning in early afternoon, until past midnight. His transmissions originate from RAIN, Newsline, ARRL and other sources, many of which are also broadcast over local repeaters.

The content is always ham radio related, and there are never any solicitations for money. Vern has been making these "broadcasts" since about 1980, even before LORAN was taken off 160. I have heard very few complaints about his operation, which is always conducted in a professional manner, and I have never heard any stories obout the FCC getting on his case.

I think attitude has a lot to do with it.

Don k4kyv


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