Donald Chester wrote:

From: "Phil Galasso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is an exception which permits one-way transmissions for the purpose of
code practice and for the dissemination of "information bulletins" of
interest to the amateur radio community. This is the loophole that W1AW has
used for decades.

Years ago, I remember routinely hearing other ham stations besides W1AW transmit ARRL bulletins. There was even an official ARRL appointment called OBS, "Official Bulletin Station."

I recall reading in pre-WW2 QST's that these appointments used to be called "Official Broadcast Stations." I think ARRL got paranoid in later years regarding the prohibition against "broadcasting" and re-named them "bulletin" stations.

Haven't heard any of these for years, so I assume that the league has dropped the appointments. Of course now, with the internet, there is no need for widespread bulletin transmissions on the ham bands.

Jerry/W5KLV used to be (as recent as a year, or two ago?) the "OBS" for the 5th Region/section of the National Traffic System. During lulls in the 7290 Traffic net (it's something we live with, down here in 5-land), and RN5 and other area nets, Jerry would check-in, announce he had some bullitens, then later be called upon to transmit those league bullitens which he got from Newington, CT's own W1AW, from either teletype or CW, transcribe the data to his voice, recorded into some device, then played back on the air.

Don't know if Jerry is still kicking anymore, or not, or who's doing the OBS for traffic nets


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