Paul/VJB wwrote:

>Mike/XU mentioned the Johnson Messenger. Yes, they
>were a hot ticket when I was on 11m as a kid in the
>1960s. On the air they were known as the "White Faced
>Johnson" for the brushed aluminum front panel and
>square, breadbox styling.

When I was a 13 yesr old novice (WN4YEJ)I went to work after school in a TV
shop fixing ac/dc radios and helping carry TVs on service calls. There was a
"business radio" there we used to talk to the service vans. It was right
next to the workbench where I was happily changing out 50C5's and 35W4's all

One day it was making strange noises, like waves breaking on a beach. Then I
heard someone say "... in Arizona". I picked up the mic and said "This is
Georgia", and he replied "I hear that Georgia station ....".

I freaked out and quickly went back to work. For the next week I expected to
get to work after school and see an FCC monitoring truck waiting for me!

It wasn't until much later when I saw another "White Faced Johnson" that I
realized it has been a CB station that I had "worked" Arizona on all those
years before.

Theo K4MO

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