You're sure right about the twist plug, Geoff. I replaced my two prong with a three prong twist and it was a booger bear to find one to fit into the hole. I finally stumbled across one (literally!) over in Ft. Worth at Nortex.

Someone mentioned a dedicated AC line and running it through a 25 amp variable transformer for their 610, that's the same set up I use.

Has anyone experienced distorted audio when using a BC-614 when "High Voltage Protect" is on? The "E" model doesn't have this problem, but when I tried to check out my BC-614-H on the 610-H I got real distorted audio in low power. All works great in the "Normal" position.

W5OMR/Geoff wrote:

I think ya'll are all missing the point... the BC-610 has a twist-plug recepticle on the back of it the blades are curved. If one didn't know better, one might think that the BC-610 used a special plug, that connected to 220VAC. It does not. Jim, if your friend has the rig, and has the plug that goes into the back of it (and everything else needed for it) then yeah, you could puot it on 75m AM phone. The single 250TH modulated by a pair of 100TH's was a military wonderment, in it's day.

73 = Best Regards,

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