Pete - Interesting.  Truly hope it does happen.  Now, if I can just get the two 
Hamvention tickets
I was shorted......................73, Larry KC8JX

--- Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John:
> The ticket sales they talk about on the web site, i.e. April 4th date and
> 11th date, are referring to the non vendor attendees. I tracked down the
> flea market chairman Tuesday evening, 4/18, and spoke with him by phone
> at his home. He is in the process of going through all the flea market
> vendor requests as quickly as he can and preparing the vendor packets for
> mailing. He anticipates the first "large" batch of vendor packets will
> ship this Saturday, 4/22, and will continue on until all vendor requests
> and packets are completed. I also made him well aware, along with their
> Chairman, of our frustration and concerns with absolutely zero feedback
> to many of our e-mails and no vendor news or updates on their web site. I
> think I unloaded both barrels, so probably my vendor packet will arrive
> in July.
> Joe, make sure you bring comfortable walking shoes. Even though we doom
> and gloom, you will have a good time and hopefully we'll all get there
> too. You may need to keep a reasonable leash on your wallet. 
> Pete, wa2cwa

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