Thanks for the tips, Neal. What seemed to be the problem with getting them on 75? My goal is 3.880 thru 3.890, so I would be very interested in any experience you can share. I am now in the process of refurbishing the oscillator board, but I have to wait until the R2 schematic arrives before I can go much further.


neal Newman wrote:

I have 2 RCA rigs. a BTA 500R  and a BTA 1R1
Neither Rig worked well On 75 meters.
so I put them on 160.
The very first thing I would Do after determining If
the Rig works on its origonal frequency. I would
replace Every Resistor and cap on the Exciter board
Less than $50 to do this.
makes the oscilator back to New tolerance. and will be

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