On 7/6/06, W5OMR/Geoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I know Mike sold his KW-1, I know that Darrell/WA5VGO still has one, but
I don't know what happened to the prototype that the two of them worked
and slaved over, to get it on the air.

According to the list that W0YVA keeps, Darrell still has #66. I think
he was one of the guys pictured in the KW-1 issue of Electric Radio
that Barry put together a number of years ago, standing there with the
transmitter, a National NC-400, with a carved wooden callsign on top.
A very good article with a lot of information on the transmitter.
IIRC, the prototype you mention was the one used by Art one weekend
before it was completed, final assembly being done at his home during
dinner. Think that story is also in the ER issue along with the
original list of owners started by Ed Bolton, WA3PUN (not K0BS, who
took the list over from Ed).

Bob's list: http://www.isquare.com/personal_pages/kw1-list.htm

Luckily for us, Darrell/WA5VGO is a reader of the list.  Perhaps Darrell
would give us the complete history/rundown of the prototype KW-1?

It's now in Belgium with ON8PO, Mathieu. I seem to remember hearing
about this sale a few years back. What's amusing is that Mike is one
of the guys in the ER article who said he'd never part with his KW-1.
Bill Wheeler (former pres of the CCA) said this also, but sold his to
Jim Shoemaker a few years back who then flipped it on ebay. What's the
old saying...'never say never'? (o:

Collins made some very nice equipment over the years, very high
quality and leading edge stuff. Overbuilt for amateur service, really.
The major flaw isn't with the gear itself, but in the way some choose
to worship it or use it as a means of claiming some perceived
superiority. Gives the gear a bad name, but makes it a lot easier to
identify the real idiots in the hobby.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

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