On 7/6/06, Mark Foltarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hope that the GPT-750  will attain similar status!

Have you seen the prices on these things lately? Easily on par or
above the T-368s and Desk KWs I've seen for sale. TMC made excellent
gear, and the 750 doesn't show up for sale very often. It already has
excellent status with the most important group: the actual on-air
operators. Who cares what the 'bag-it-and-shelf-it' types think?

Back in 2003 I drove out to Colorado to pick up a BC transmitter from
Barry Wiseman before his move back north of the border. At that time
he had 3 GPT-750s in various conditions. I often wonder who ended up
with them? I mentioned them to Joe, WA2PJP who contacted Barry about 2
months after I was there, but they were gone. Hope they found a good

You definitely have a keeper, Mark.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

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