Todd - tell us which is the BEST of these three:

1) Rig gets put in garage or attic to rust or rot.

2) Rig gets put into crusher or land fill never to be seen again
(modern military approach)

3) Rig gets put on display like a piece of art work in a 
ham's private "Museum" - but never transmits or receives.
Yet COULD be made to do so at some later point.

1) and 2) make 3) sound like a VERY  acceptable alternative 
to me... think about that.

From:                   "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 7/12/06, david knepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't ever begrudge or be envious of those who will spend whatever for a
> > nice piece of  Collins.  Many elderly or seniors have the purchasing power
> > now that they are retired to buy whatever they wish.  I wish them well in
> > their purchases remember, it is their money and  not yours.  Let them enjoy
> > the hobby anyway they wish.
> I'm a big fan of free enterprise, capitalism, and freedom in general.
> Anyone spending their money can do with it whatever they wish. My
> remarks deal mainly with those who choose to turn a nice old receiver
> or transmitter into a 'piece of (non-functioning) art' instead of
> using it as a radio. It really has nothing to do with age, more
> mentality. You really can't do much with a Monet other than hang it on
> the wall or use it as a beer tray. But IMHO those who get nice old
> cars, radios, or whatever else simply for the bragging rights and not
> to use and enjoy are better suited to stamps, pantings, or other
> inanimate objects that don't require any interaction beyond staring at
> them. Besides, it's much more impressive to say "I paid 4 million for
> this painting" than to say "I paid 4 thousand for this old radio". Who
> beyond other radio collectors would be impressed?
> In the end, you can use an SX-88 or KW-1 for a 30.06 target if you
> want to, no argument there. I'm far more impressed when someone has a
> nice rig and know how to use it than by how much they paid for it.
> Even moreso if they can fix it, or built it.
> It's strictly my opinion mind you, but I believe more BA folks
> appreciate a piece of gear for what it is and can do, not its
> potential value as an "investment". Collins gear is some of the best
> gear ever made, yet look at how many real 'hands on' radio folks think
> less of it because of the ridiculous 'mine's bigger than yours'
> collector mentality of a self-absorbed few?
> Age isn't the issue as far as I'm concerned. It's attitude. God Bless
> anyone who makes it to retirement and actually has money to spend on
> whatever they enjoy. There are some in gov't looking for more ways to
> take it from you to redistribute to others, so spend it while you can!
> Todd, KA1KAQ
> Publisher of Nothing Beyond Personal Opinion
> Overtaxed and Afflicted with Old Radio Disease
> No Website, No PayPal.   (o:
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