
   I never tried this idea but here is what I would do. I'd try to simulate a 
1.5v battery where it was a floating supply with low noise, and low source 
impedance (Rs). I would take an isolated DC-DC converter, say 12 volts input to 
5 volts output at 100ma. Then I'd use a 3 terminal adjustable regulator like a 
LM-317 (or any of the many similar parts). This regulator works down to 1.25 
volts, and it is simple to adjust to 1.5v with two resistors. So now you have a 
floating 1.5 v source that is clean, and has low source impedance. To get the 
12 volts I'd use a 1/2 wave voltage doubler off the 6.3v filament circuit and 
another LM-317 to provide 12v to the DC to DC converter.

  There might be easier ways for sure, but emulating a floating dry cell, if 
done properly will work. Some ohm-meters may pull 100 ma or more on the R X 1 
range so you need to maintain 1.5 volts at whatever the shorted test lead 
current is when on the R X 1 range.

Using a fresh battery once a year might be easier! :-)


----- Original Message ----
From: Merz Donald S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Discussion of AM Radio <>; 'Glowbugs (E-mail) 
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:26:52 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] VTVM Battery Eliminator

Going through these old magazines, one idea that pops up a few times is 
replacing the OHMS battery in old VTVMs with some sort of regulated 1.5V 
derived from the VTVM's AC supply. The circuit designers seem to be a bit at 
odds over the best way to accomplish this.

Has anyone does this with a circuit that they are happy with? I'd like to do 
this to one or more of my VTVMs but I don't want to experiment with it--I want 
an optimal circuit that will be reliable. Anybody got one?

73, Don Merz, N3RHT
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