" Think of it this way.  IF we can just be a little more intelligent than
our equipment, gentlemen, then these discussions wouldn't need to take
place. RULES are in place for a reason.  All anyone has ever asked, is that
they be adhered to."

Hmmm... I wonder... who could be that said that just a few days ago on this
very list? :-) What a classic Geoff!!!

My humble little vote is that:

1. We keep the rules as they stand. They are there for us all, and work

2. That we keep our cool when the (obviously) best of us can make a mistake
once in awhile. I did a few weeks back and had to apologize. It was handled
offline and did not generate another blizzard of uninteresting posts.

3. That we remember the list is here for ENJOYMENT for all of us who share
this wonderful HOBBY. We *all* make mistakes now and again. All that is
really asked and required is that we make the very best effort to follow
the rules. When one of us doesn't, a private *off-list* reminder would be
best rather than a public tongue-lashing. It also would mean the cure was
not worse than the mistake.

Ok... that's my $.02 from a guy who can tell you with 100% confidence that
despite my very best efforts sometime in the future I WILL make a mistake.
Given my frailty as a human, I do appreciate your indulgences.


Mark W1EOF

PS: I have to make note that the subject lines for all the messages about
this breaking of the rules do not properly reflect the true subject of the
body text. I believe this is a breaking of the rules.

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