Hi Gang,

Well, I dug up that old VHS tape of mine, showing the 1888-KHz AM
roundtablers of 13 years ago in all their fame & glory...

It's a 2 hour tape, recorded on high speed. The last entry --- mine --- was
made on 21st May 1993...hardly the stuff of Smithsonian archives, but maybe
just "...one of these days!" Hi Hi.

Here are the self-recorded "stars" of the video, in order of appearance:

-WB8JBT (Brian), recorded on 20th September 1992 (20 minutes);
-KB8QF (Dave)---13 minutes;
-WA8UMZ (Ron)...8 minutes;
-WB8SQJ (Jay)...7 minutes;
-N8JRJ (Steve)...13 minutes;
-NI9Y (Dan);
-KB8QF (Dave again, with an update);
-N9PXE (Carl)...20 minutes, and,
-VE3CUI (14 minutes).

Any familiar-sounding callsigns up there...?

If anyone wishes to undertake the task of putting all this onto a DVD,
please let me know (I'm totally hapless & hopeless in this regard) --- I'll
be more than happy to mail him/her this tape (which is the ONLY complete one
around, apart maybe from the original...assuming Brian still has it), on but
two conditions:

(1) I must get it back A-OK, and in a timely manner, and,

(2) Whomever it is that might convert it into a DVD, will make other copies
available to interested parties (entirely at those parties' expense, of

Does that sound fair, reasonable, & of any interest to anyone reading
this...? If not, the tape will go back into my library of VHS cassettes

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

----- Original Message -----
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] VHS Video of AM Operators

> On 9/19/06, Brian Carling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Eddy you really oughta make a DVD copy of that thing for posterity.
> > VHS won't last forever!
> Absolutely! Tape has a limited shelf life, and even when it's new, it
> can stick together and become toast.
> I think it's a great idea to get something like this going, Ed. We
> used to pass books around on some of the lists, and each person would
> sign inside the cover along with date and maybe a brief comment.
> Edward Beech's Blind Man's Bluff is the last one I recall going
> around, about submarine warfare. Not AM radio, but still pretty cool.
> I'm not very video-savvy on these things, but I know you can get
> decent cameras for very little money now, and it shouldn't be
> difficult to pipe the audio in. Steve, WB3HUZ has a lot of mp3 files
> posted on the AM Window site, accessible through amfone. Most are from
> the last decade or so, but he does have a number of older recordings
> posted. As well, there are others floating around like the 'short
> talker' W2OY "..no lids, no kids, no matter how wonderful you think
> you are with the pho-netics"...
> ~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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