For good I hope. We have beat this subject to death. You did (or didn't do) what you chose and I and a lot of others did what we wanted. I would be glad to sign /4 if that was the law but it isn't so I don't.
73 OM
Bob W6TR in FL
----- Original Message ----- From: "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

On 10/13/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in the
late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.

How do you figure that, Bob? Someone prefers not to upgrade to a
higher license to get a few (until recently) more kcs of spectrum
because they feel the test is a give-away? Would the benefit of
upgrading be the opportunity to have an Extra Class-only SSB contact
with you?

I agree that a pre no-code Extra
is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My feeling is
that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) than a no code

Sounds like you're the one suffering from sour grapes syndrome. How
DARE they offer the Extra Class license to those 'lesser' licensees
with an easier test??

I've always felt that no code extras should sign /nc when in the
Extra part of the bands.

That's okay, I've always thought that all hams should append their
callsign with the call area they actually reside in, be it a Vanity
call they bought or otherwise. Not so long ago, it was the law. And it
actually makes sense, more sense than having someone sign /NC so that
you can feel somehow superior.

Think about it Bob - you wouldn't even need to have the "half a brain"
you suggest the other fellow lacks, to get a 4-area callsign. You
could just sign W6TR/4 so folks would have a better idea where that
superior signal was coming from. (o:


~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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