On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, Geoff/W5OMR wrote:

crawfish wrote:
I didn't see what was wrong with 5 w.p.m. for Generals and above. Oh, well,
the dumbing down of America continues...
                                                             Joe W4AAB




Speaking as the guy who actually brought up the 'dumbing-down' issue in this thread - I'd like to posit a Thought on the issue of "no-code ham license" vs. "IQ".

Without indulging in crass personal details - I would like to offer the observation that, 54 years on, it's probably correct to say that Mrs. Lawson didn't raise no dummy. I've done my share of Cool Things, in the Arts and Science and Commerce - with only my brain to help me. I will mention that I was graduated with a BSEE in 1971 - when I was 19, and I attended that University all four years. Y'all can do the math on yer own... There are several patents, numerous published papers, was Chief Engineer of MGM Studios... yada yada yada... the point being that I mebbe ain't as stupid as some folks might think I look like I am.

Also - there are some truly 'genius' level folks I know of, who may or may not participate in these fora - people who you might recognize right away in a particular context. I certainly know one or two of 'em that don't care for Code.

I would like to again point out the fact that, the above crass bragging notwithstanding, I have a terrible, frustrating time with the Code, and that includes retention of same. Even as a life-long musician - there is something about my WetWare that doesn't resonate with dahdididah.... as much as I would really like to sit in front of the Valiant with a lovely Vibroplex on the table, it's probably not gonna happen, especially as I age and the Learning Facility slowly degrades.

Certainly in teaching Ham Radio - there exists a sizeable subset of individuals who ALSO have inherent trouble with Code Proficiency - regradless of their overall intellectual abilities. Most of them drop out of the Program at that point.... that used to be quite heartbreaking - lessened by the elimination of the Requirement at the Technician level - then that Disenfranchised Subset could at least *participate*!

SO: to the 'No Code = Stupid' assertion, I say "Not so fast!" - that is just a sad form of Intellectual Bigotry, if that is what's really felt.

"Lids" have existed since Ham began - one needs only to go back thru the "Letters" section of QST and other Ham magazines - the things we complain about were the subject of impassioned diatribes 60 and 70 years ago... in QST especially. The allowance of DSSC (SSB) sounded the 'deathknell' for Amateur Radio as we know it. The hand-over of 11 Meters to the Citizen's Radio Service was the "End of Ham Radio as We Know It!!!" The permission to allow RTTY on HF was the "Final Disaster That Will Kill Our Hobby!!!"

I say: - let's welcome anything that serves to bring new Amateurs into our Hobby - and I most positively urge those of Us who are concerned about the "Riff-Raff" - to get out there and be their Teacher - be their Elmer - inculcate the Ham Values that you know so well - if Gordon West can teach tens of thousands - y'all can certainly get a shack full of Boy Scouts (AND their parents, don't forget the Dads and Moms) an evening a week - PLUS: the technological aspect of getting a Ham License is an excellent antidote against the very "dumbing-down" that many of us are so concerned about.

  Yet another 200 m$ from


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