On 4/3/07, Bob Macklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am at the point of not knowing if the problem is tha solar cycle or just a 
lack of activity.

On contest days I hear all kinds of activity. So my antenna while not really 
good, is not totally bad.

An inside antenna won't help the cause, but it's mainly a lack of AM
activity. Easily judged by the bands that aren't directly affected
(dead) from lack of propogation, and the famous words seen online: "I
listened around XYZ but didn't hear anyone so I went back to 3.885
(or) shut down". Folks seem to expect all sorts of activity to exist
for their pleasure and convenience, when they turn on the rig. Calling
CQ appears to be a dying art, along with hamfests, CW, amateur radio,
comon sense, apple pie, etc etc...

Don't worry, though - it's someone else's fault, not ours. (o:

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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