I for one would like to see 5-land AM activity on 3870.  We seem to have a
very active, if few in number, contingent of SSB operator(s) on the West
Coast Calling Frequency. Where are AM operators? There is only one station from Oklahoma who checks in regularly to the West Coast AMI net, Wednesday's at 8:00pm, 7:00pm Central Time. He also participates in groups that form on
other nights of the week.

If there are > 100 stations operating AM in Texas, why none on 3870?

73 de Bill, AB6MT

I'd also like to hear more AM activity from 5-land in the new Extra class portion of 75m. From the day of the band expansion, AM'ers have attempted to congregate near both sides of the 3700 kc/s boundary, in the upper part of the Extra segment and lower part of the Advanced segment. There was much enthusiam and much AM activity during the first couple of weeks after the expansion, but as the novelty wore off, AM activity down there has become very sparse, and most of the AM activity has migrated back up the 3870-90 kc/s "ghetto". I frequently call "CQ AM", but most of my responses are from SSB operators who decided to give AM a try, sometimes for the very first time. Many of these have turned out to be very interesting and enjoyable QSO's, and some of these operators have expressed interest in continuing to participate in AM activity now that they have experienced it. However, I would like to hear more activity by the AM regulars in that part of the band.

Now, there is a contingent of rabid, anti-AM, Extra class operators in 5-land, many from the Houston area, who just fire right up on top of any existing AM QSO they choose, and then proceed to gripe about the AM QRM. I call them a dead-air group, because one of their tactics is to simply monitor the frequency and not transmit, for periods ranging anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more, but just the instant that someone outside their little "group" fires up near the frequency, especially if that person is on AM, the frequency is suddenly "in use". I have monitored their conversations a few times (little else to do, since I don't hear much, if any, AM in that part of the band) and heard them conspiring to send a massive number of complaints to Riley about the "deliberate interference" and "splatter" from the AM'ers. I have never heard anything from the FCC on this, but remember what happened when the "No-Traffic" net conspired to send in complaints about Ashtabula Bill on 7290 kc/s.

Apparently most of these stations are close enough together that they can simply talk over ongoing AM QSO's in other parts of the country, but evidently the AM signals are being heard, because they spend so much energy griping about AM.

If a few more 5-landers would help maintain a regular AM presence lower in the band, this activity would cease and those lids would QSY whenever they heard an AM QSO already in progress when they tuned to "their" frequency.

Don k4kyv

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