Very simple Pete. Input power is much easier to measure. Read the meters and do a bit of math. As for the 1000 watt thing, why not? Measuring or calculating PEP with an AM signal is like trying to hit a turkey at 1000 yards for most people. I never did understand the reason for changing to PEP or for that matter 1500 watts. Why not 2000 watts PEP? If you notice it on your S meter, you have a better S meter than I or a better wattmeter.

As for anarchy, we almost have that now. Consider a guy telling a story on another board of listening to two new General class hams discussing modifying the slider on his Siltronix to get on 80 meters. I seriously doubt these guys know what PEP really is much less how to calculate or read it correctly on a wattmeter. As things stand now near 3.885 at night, only the strong survive. The influx of new Generals has definitely caused more problems.

Of course the answer is to call on 3.885, provide the frequency is clear and when you make a contact, move elsewhere either up or down. Why not catch the flack anywhere on the bands? They will follow you wherever you go, I guarantee it! For those who can't read meters correctly, we could put marks on them.

What justification would you or someone present to the FCC raise the power level back to 1000 watts as it was a number of years ago?

And Bill said: a petition for an AM Window from 3870 to 3885. I view the AM Window (if you want to call it that) from 3600 to 4000 KHz.
I see no rational to live and operate in a 15 KHz box.

And Don's comment on removing subbands:
To remove subbands, brings to the HF bands (excluding present 160 M), any mode, any bandwidth, anywhere. Might roll all ham radio activity into anarchy; only the strongest survive. Bandplans are operating guides and have no legal teeth (ex. listen to 160 M during a world-wide CW contest); subbands are law and subject to disciplinary action if violated. Also remember that the U. S. has a lot more licensed amateurs than Canada.

Pete, wa2cwa

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